hand in pencil

hand in pencil

Thursday, April 26, 2007

how bored can one person be????

pretty flippin bored, actually. i don't think i've got the words to describe how bored i was today. i was subbing in a CD (cognitively disabled) class today, in history/government. the kids were great, but they were watching "Saving Private Ryan" so i was pretty much just a warm body. and, i've never seen Private Ryan....just not my type of movie, and i don't really care much for Tom Hanks. today, i got to see the same forty-five minutes of the stupid movie.....four times. ack! and, i had a prep period and a free period during which i was supposed to be team teaching but the other teach sent me on my way because the kids were working on the computers today. so, the long and the short of it was that i had lots of time to fill. and i filled it the usual way......i drew. a lot. :) i won't bore you with all of them (there are several) but here are a few.............

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the color didn't transfer so well on this one, but its still sorta cool.

i don't know why i'm into circles and ovals right now, but apparently i'm finding them soothing :) i guess there's a zen quality to them.

well, off to read some more.........and then, i'm gonna go to bed early tonight. all that inactivity wore me out.


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