hand in pencil

hand in pencil

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Johnny, tell us what's behind Door Number Two....

On all those game shows, there's always an announcer who, in a great, BIG voice, calls the contestants' names, and says something like, "COME ON DOWN"........and the contestant, all excited and wiggly, runs down the studio steps, hoping not to break her neck on national TV. Then she goes through whatever silly game she's playing, and at the end is given a choice....Three doors......and she wavers, not sure which one is going to have THE PRIZE behind it. And she looks to the audience, and she looks to the host, and finally, she picks a door.........and the announcer man tells her what prizes are behind each of the doors. I figure, in life, Door Number One is Reality. Its the stuff you get every day. Door Number Two is that place that is surreal...it's neither good nor bad, just doesn't bear the pressure of daily life: it's not real, and has no bearing on reality. Door Number Three, always the last door, hides all the uncertainties of life. Its the door used to keep all the unpleasant stuff at bay.

Door Number One, real life can be tough. Fun, but full of stress and crap and deadlines and pressure and love and anger and dreams and fantasies......the whole gamut of emotions and experiences, if you're very lucky.

Door Number Two is the place you escape from all those realities. It's the place you unwind, shoot the shit, blab to all your friends, lie in the dewy grass under a starry sky as it fades to sunrise. Here is where you talk about all the things behind Door Number One, and all the things you're grateful to have escaped and avoided behind Door Number Three.

Door Number Three is that door that holds all the stuff you were hoping to avoid behind Door Number One. It's the unopened bills and the whining child and the teacher on the phone and the dog that is apparently NOT house broken. It's the door you're hoping to avoid.......forever.

So, you've left Door Number One behind, and you know better than to choose Door Number Three.....Welcome to Door Number Two

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