hand in pencil

hand in pencil

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

time flies

WoW...it's TUESDAY!!! and i've not posted since SUNDAY!!!! The last few days have been wacko. Just so much going on. Kubota dropped the transmission. For those of you unfamiliar, its a brand of lawn mower...big and orange, lots of power and a nice wide mower deck. And not cheap to fix. I might have to sell the hubby's golf clubs........hee hee. That pretty much kicked Sunday in the ass, frankly. I was only one third of the way through mowing....which means by the time we get the stupid thing back from the shop, the grass'll be bout knee high. Wonder where I could get a couple of goats.....????

Yesterday was one of those days where I split my day between two schools. That meant that I was running into the building, nuking my lunch in the break room and inhaling it while the kids had their last couple of mins of recess. Grrrrrrrrrr. But hey, at least I worked that day. Most don't get to work during Test Week. I should consider myself lucky, and I do. I hate Test Week. Its long and boring and annoying and the kids are stressed. I spent yesterday and today administering tests to Special Ed kids. Have no idea yet what I'm doing tomorrow. I do know that I'm going to be early tonight....doing nothing exhausts me. :)

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